Content Aware Scaling
A new editing function added to Photoshop CS4 is Content Aware Scaling. It intelligently expands an image to fit a larger canvas size in much the same way an HD television expands a 4:3 standard definition show to fit a 16:9 HD screen.

In the example below I cropped the photo nearly square to eliminate a distraction on the left, but now I want to make a 10 x 8 inch print.


First I resized the photo to 8 inches high at 300 ppi, the resolution of the printer I planned to use for output. Next I expanded the canvas to 10 inches wide, putting the image in the center. From the Edit menu Contrast-Aware Scale was selected. Dragging the cursor down from the upper left corner I selected a section of the image on the left then pulled the left edge out to the edge of the canvas.


I repeated the select and expand process on the right side of the photo.


Resulting in the 3000 x 2400 pixel file needed to print an 10" x 8" file at 300 pixels-per-inch.


Holistic Concepts for Lighting
and Digital Photography

This tutorial is copyrighted by © Charles E. Gardner.
It may be reproduced for personal use, and referenced by link, but please to not copy and post it to your site.

You can contact me at: Chuck Gardner

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